Academic Year 2021-2022 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
(MA Political Science)
Political and Policy Research: Research Design
Workshop in International Relations: Security and Global Order
Applying Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Political Science
Selected Issues: Global Political Economy and Geopolitics
Thesis Supervision
(BA Political Science)
Global Political Economy
Thesis Supervision (Philosophy, Politics and Economics Programme)
Academic Year 2020-2021, University of Groningen
Research Seminar: Gender, Globalisation and Development. 1st semester
A graduate elective for MA IRIO students.
Methodology and Research Practice. 1st and 2nd semesters
Teaching pre-master and BA IRIO majors. Supervision of small individual and group research projects.
Theories of International Relations. 1st semester
An undergraduate course for BA IRIO majors. Co-teaching with a large team.
Academic Year 2019-2020, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Bachelor’s Thesis Writing. Political Science/PPE Programme. Periods 5-6
Supervised bachelor’s thesis writing of final year students in the Philosophy, Politics and Economics Programme.
Thesis topics:
Struggle and Development: Empowering Women Workers in the Informal Economy in India
COVID-19 in ASEAN: A Déjà Vu of Infectious Disease Outbreaks?
ASEAN and Natural Rubber Production - Profit or People?
Tutoring for PPE in Practice II: From Theory to Practice (Climate Change). Provided feedback on small research projects and policy analysis writing.
AY 2018-2019, University of Amsterdam
Research Project II. Practicing Research Skills. Department of Political Science, Semester 2, Block 6
Topic: Southeast Asia in World Politics
This course situates contemporary Southeast Asia in world politics, evaluating its role in the changing global order. It is a research-driven course, where students are given a specific set of literatures to investigate five issue areas namely – the United States’ Pivot to Asia, the Belt and Road Initiative, the South China Sea Disputes, Transboundary Haze, and ‘Asian Values’ and Human Rights. Within these broad topics, students framed their own research questions, gathered data and performed analysis.
Feminist Political Economy in Southeast Asia. Department of Political Science, Semester 1, Block 1
This course tackles globalisation and development in Southeast Asia through the lenses of feminist political economy. It explores the ways by which women’s work and lives in the region are shaped by globalising forces, notably in the ‘productive’ and ‘reproductive’ economies. Globalisation is understood as a multi-dimensional social phenomena, encompassing not only economics (to do with the production of value and wealth) or politics (to do with decision-making, power and conflict resolution), but also culture (systems of signification and everyday practices). The local and global are not necessarily dichotomies that exist separate from each other but 'take place' in a continuum. The course aims to rethink our understanding of political economy by putting women’s experiences at the centre of the analysis. What role did women play in the capitalist take-off of the so-called newly-industrialising countries in the 1970s and 1980s? What were the underlying forces that moved women from the agrarian hinterlands to the manufacturing sectors in capital cities? How does gender organize the factory, producing so-called nimble hands and a docile workforce? More importantly, the course examines the relationship of the latter with activities that produce and sustain workers to be useful in the formal, public sphere of production. That is, the new commodified work of giving birth, caring for dependents (children and the elderly), household maintenance, leisure activities and sexual relations. These activities have traditionally been performed by women as unremunerated work, and in the last few decades have spawned multi-million dollar industries. Lastly, the course concludes with some ethical and practical responses to some of the problems raised by gendered capitalist development in Southeast Asia.
AY 2016-2017, Ateneo de Manila University
Southeast Asian International Relations. Department of Political Science, 2nd semester
This course unpacks the 'imagining' of the region as a coherent whole, the forces that keep it together and apart. It looks into the central organising principle of non-interference to examine its staying power given in the current geopolitical context. The second part looks into some of the issues of governance facing the region today and concludes with how region-building is proceeding from top-down and bottom-up efforts. Methods of evaluation: issue memos, group report and a research paper. See syllabus here.
Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences. Department of Political Science, 2nd semester
This course introduces students to the plural what, how, and why of qualitative research. The first section introduces some of the basic tools for making inquiries about the social world and the elements of a research proposal. The second section discusses some common qualitative methods to generate data. Lastly, it looks into strategies for dealing with data. Helped students frame and execute their group research projects on issues of interest in international relations and comparative politics. See syllabus here.
Gender, Globalisation and Development. Department of Political Science, 1st semester
A senior undergraduate course which tackles globalisation and development through the lenses of feminist political economy. It explores the ways by which women’s work and lives are shaped by globalising forces, notably in the productive and ‘reproductive’ economies. The course then explores some ethical and practical solutions to some of the problems of gendered capitalist development. Empirical cases drawn from Asia broadly.
Advanced Political Analysis and Methodology, (ADMU), 1st semester
Syllabus prepared for UPEACE final-year students about to embark on their action-based research projects. Projects included - the use of media for peacebuilding in post-armed conflict Sri Lanka, a training workshop on interpersonal communication in a school in Nepal, the empowerment of Myanmar civil society through localizing SDGs, among others. Worked with 14 students in total, most of whom were from South and Southeast Asia.
AYs 2010-2015, National University of Singapore
Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Global Studies. Global Studies Programme, Department of Political Science, Semester 1, SY 2015-2016
A large introductory course for the Global Studies Programme. Facilitated class discussions of 6 tutorial groups, with 25-27 students each. Most students are freshmen from various disciplines. The course is designed to be taken by those who might be interested to major in Global Studies.
Teaching Assistant: Ethnicity and Religion in Asia, Department of Political Science, Semester 1, SY 2015-2016.
Handled 1 tutorial group in Dr. Jamie Davidson’s advanced undergraduate course. This is a level 3 course, students are usually in their 3rd year and are Political Science majors. Tutorials consisted mainly in discussing the readings and participating in activities to better flesh out the texts, in some cases to imagine them implemented as policy.
Tutor: Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Politics, Department of Political Science, (Various semesters, 2010-2014)
Facilitated discussion of course materials, marked mid-term essays, final exams and held consultations.
Instructor, part-time
November 2008 to March 2009. Department of Political Science. Ateneo de Manila University
June 2006 to October 2006. College of International Relations. Lyceum of the Philippines University.
April 2005 to August 2005. Department of Political Science. De la Salle University.
June 2008 to May 2010 and November 2002 to October 2005. Modern Languages Department. Ateneo de Manila University
Syllabi (Selected)