
Hello. My name is Liberty Lopez Chee. Thank you for checking my website.

I am currently a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. My project is #KnowingDOM - Law, Economy and Seeing Woman's Work: Knowledge Production and the ILO’s Domestic Workers Convention in Global Migration Governance. This new research will investigate how various actors engage the International Labour Organization in making knowledge claims about domestic work and how the ILO's norm-setting activities diffuse to and from the European Union.

I am trained in international relations, although my research draws from feminist political economy, political theory, and migration studies. I have been working within the ambit of global migration governance, notably the role of intermediaries (the ‘migration industry’) in shaping globalizing markets in domestic work. I am interested in IR theory, interpretive research methods, and feminist epistemology. I also have an interest in ‘conventional' IR, notably situating Southeast Asia within broader geopolitical shifts.

Apart from academic work, I have worked on projects in the non-profit sector on topics as diverse as reproductive health, indigenous land rights, and gender and natural disasters.

I was born and raised in the Philippines. And I have been, for all intents and purposes, a 'circular migrant', since 2007.

Contact: libertychee@gmail.com